Useful Links

(Click on the highlighted blue links to access web links)

This forum is great for folks just starting out or for the old dogs learning new tricks.  The support from the forums' community is excellent, and must be signed up to if playing ASL.

These have literally revolutionized my game playing.  Simple Java powered programs that are both free and highly extensive in detail, not only can you play in your own home against a player without all the counters flying (handy in large scenarios that may not be finsihed the same day) but worldwide via in game text, Skype, AIM, and other internet communication methods. See Game Squads dedicated VASL section for advice and troubleshooting beforehand, as it can get confusing for first timers!

This is the official publisher of all main lines of ASL (i.e not all ASL third party producers are listed), where the core modules, maps, spare pieces, journals, articles and 'one off' lines are for sale.  Based in the USA, be aware that shipping costs do apply to customers outwith the USA, and may take time to arrive.However, this is the main supplier for ASL.

 This is a handy calendar detailing when the larger ASL tournaments are taking place, where they are, and with links to each tournament for further information.  Smaller tournaments tend to be more informal, so keep an eye on the forums for other tournaments near you!

Whether looking to resolve that often occurring dispute over how 'biased' the scenario is, or out of mere curiosity, ROAR is a published record of player submitted scenario outcomes (end result only). Please add to the stats so that all players may see truly how scenarios seem to play out, in order that a more 'balanced' scenario may be chosen (or not if you are feeling evil!)  

  • Advanced Squad Leader Independant Suppliers in Scotland
Recommended to me by a very reliable and highly experienced player, Black Lion Games in Edinburgh and Highlander Games in Dundee are able to order ASL products from MMP, and can be cheaper to purchase. Please inform me of any ASL suppliers you would recommend in the UK, or further afield. 

DISCLAIMER I am not responsible for any security or protection of your internet device when following these links, however they are listed in good faith by myself, and are used regularly by ASL Gamers

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